Our Books

With three young boys of my own, I wanted them to know more about the fascinating history of Aotearoa New Zealand, but surprise, surprise, they didn’t quite share my enthusiasm. Apparently, history is boring!

But what it really came down to was the way history was being presented. It just didn’t get them excited!

But our history doesn’t have to be all black and white and boring, because it’s full of captivating tales that paint a colourful picture of our past. It’s through these stories that I hope to transport young readers back in time.

When I wrote my first book What it takes to wear black, I wanted it to have something for everyone, whether they were 5 or 95. I wanted it to stimulate conversations between young and old, and most importantly, I wanted to make history exciting again for our kids.

I’ve just finished my second book about a WWII fighter pilot named Vaughan Fittall, and for my third book, I’m keen to write about a female heroine. So if you have an inspirational tale to tell with a female in the lead, I’d love for you to share it.

I hope one day to have a whole series of Back In The Day children’s books, telling inspiring true tales across different cultures and from every corner of New Zealand.